Interlink publishes one charity cookbook each year to support worthy causes we care deeply about. We hope that you will join us in supporting these causes with your purchase of one or more of these fabulous cookbooks.
Soup for Syria: Recipes to Celebrate our Shared Humanity Interlink will donate $15 from the sale of each book to support food and medical relief for Syrian refugees. Over $500,000.00 have been raised to date.
Palestine on a Plate: Recipes from My Mother's Kitchen Interlink has donated $13,000.00 for the purchase of a permanent home for the Nablus-based children's center Palestinian House of Friendship.
The Immigrant Cookbook: Recipes That Make America Great Interlink will donate $5 from the sale of each book to support the ACLU's Immigrants' Rights Project. $25,000+ donated this year.
Suzanne is a very friendly woman, who I met at Souk el Tayeb many years ago. She would come every Saturday to showcase all her kibbeh varieties with her husband, Sarkis. Of course, I had to taste them all, as she generously gave me bites of each of them. I grew very fond of her. The soul of a cook is the amount of love one puts in food preparations. She has plenty of that going on...
While shooting my cooking segments, years ago on LBC, I ran a show with her in her native village. We had so much fun. I am sharing a few pics of that moment together. Anthony Bourdain, when he came to Lebanon, called her "The Queen of Kibbeh", thus Nay Aoun, the film producer and director of this new short document thought it would be the perfect title for this video.
I am so lucky to have met good people in Lebanon who give the true values of Lebanese generosity.
Suzanne El Douaihy is the Queen of Kibbeh. Kibbeh is a traditional Lebanese dish made of bulgur, minced onions and finely ground beef, lamb or goat mixed with local spices and herbs. It is famous and very much appreciated across the country. Suzanne is from a town north of Lebanon called Zgharta, the second biggest city in the North of Lebanon, after Tripoli. This region is famed for its kibbeh. For thirteen years, Suzanne has been making kibbeh, and has become famous across Lebanon selling her food in local farmer’s markets and catering to customers upon demand. She proudly continues to spread her knowledge and recipes to all.
In spring time, it is an enriching experience to walk through a grove of orange trees blossoming with white flowers and bursting with fragrance. I’ve had many occasions to experience this romantic stroll throughout my journey. When you see, touch and smell these flowers you have the impression that they are declaring the coming of spring.
Magdousheh, a small town about 50 km (31 mi) south of Beirut, is reputed for its orange groves and its annual orange blossom water production. It is situated at an altitude of about 300 m (984 ft) above sea level. The town overlooks the Mediterranean Sea with its prominent pilgrimage site—home of the church of Our Lady of Mantara. On one of my visits I was accompanied by Oussama Amoun, a local resident and producer. We walked through the whole town meeting with people and discussing the year’s orange blossom yield. During the season, villagers scatter through the groves and private gardens working simultaneously to harvest their prized orange blossom flowers. A faint perfume accompanies you as you walk through the streets. There is a certain ambiance unseen elsewhere in Lebanon at that particular moment. The tiny white flowers are laid out, scattered on empty large white bags. Distillers of different sizes and shapes are washed and set up carefully to ensure a proper yearly production. Farmers and producers of Magdousheh pride themselves on a superior quality of distilled orange blossom water. They insist that the trees should not be irrigated during the hot summer months. In fact, it is this hearty resistance which makes the flowers superior, thereby resulting in a higher quality product.
Oussama Amoun my guide to the wonders of Maghdouche
Traditionally, most households in Lebanon made their annual production of orange blossom water at home using a family alembic. Today, it is not unusual to find families gathered at a town center where the communal karakeh is set up with large bags of orange blossom flowers. Production is mainly reserved to villagers who keep the traditional distillation process alive.
Lebanon Travel has recently worked on a short film to show you the best of Maghdoushe, thus the reason I wanted to share more information about this beautiful town and its people.
"The southern town of Maghdoushe has a beautiful story to tell.
From its religious sites to its agricultural traditions, we share its
many wonders"
Today I received this important mail from Slow Food International. This initiative opens up new challenges for Slow Food Beirut, which I am heading presently. I spoke to founder and president Carlo Petrini about this new strategy, "Slow Food is not an elitist association, it should be open to all". I agree and will do everything to spread the word.
This is a period of radical change within the Slow Food movement all around the world.
The 2017 Congress in Chengdu (China) announced our aim to revolutionize the basis of our organization, making it less formal and more inclusive. We want to involve all of the people, groups, organizations, and communities that help to spread the Slow philosophy and carry forward our global projects, including Slow Food Gardens, Presidia, the Ark of Taste, Farmer’s Markets, and global campaigns.
The recently approved proposal is to move beyond the convivium model and create another form of grassroots organization: the Slow Food Community!
The International Council in Nairobi in June 2018 launched a transitional phase that will last until the autumn of 2020, when the global Slow Food network will meet for its next Congress.
It doesn’t mean that convivia doesn’t exist anymore, but that we have 2 years to think about how concretize this transition towards a new model.
A Slow Food Community is a group of people that shares the values of the international movement and commits itself, in accordance with the Founding Declaration, to pursuing Slow Food's objectives, vision, and actions. Please start by advising other members in your area (by email, WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.) adapt and share this message with all the relevant contacts!
At Terra Madre Salone del Gusto, time will be dedicated to further explanation, brainstorming, and sharing ideas and experiences from the global network.
I’m also honored to introduce you to Barbara Massaad (en cc), Beirut convivium leader, international counselor for Slow Food in Middle East. Do not hesitate to contact her and exchange about a global strategy for the area! We look forward to hearing from you.
You often wonder why you act a certain way, or take a path that leads you to something that you are familiar with... I understood this much later in life. I arrived to Lebanon as a young woman of 18 years of age. It was a very difficult period of my life - a cultural shock from sunny Florida. I was devastated. My father suggested I work with him, as he had the intention of setting up a photography studio in Ballouneh. I didn't want to hear anything about it. I wanted to go to university and learn a trade of my own... Years later, many years later... I have followed the steps of my father indirectly, in my own way focusing on food and photography with a strong curiosity and generosity towards other people (as he has all his life). So the expression, "the apple does not fall far from the tree" is quite relevant ... My childhood was different and I think that's what made me think "out of the box".
Now that my children are turning into young adults, it is fascinating to see the evolution of their characters and aspirations ... Each generation builds on the other, taking dreams into another level.
Carla Henoud, a renowned Lebanese journalist, wrote a beautiful piece about my father which I would like to share. It sums up his work and life in a way that she only knows how to write. If you are interested to read the article in English please copy and paste on google translate.
Perdu de vue ... Georgie Abdeni, un Dorian Gray à l'envers !
Abdeni. Une signature, au haut d’un immense portrait en noir
et blanc. Une griffe, celle du grand photographe Georgie Abdeni qui a
immortalisé des visages célèbres et moins célèbres, les figeant dans une
beauté intemporelle et indélébile.
C’était le temps du noir et blanc.
L’heureux temps où la photographie se sentait, se pensait et se faisait
par des maîtres-artisans, avec, pour outils de travail, un appareil, un
studio et un regard. C’était le temps de la frivolité, de l’émergence
d’une créativité qui trouvait enfin son expression, son identité et sa
place au Liban. Heureux temps…
Georgie Abdeni se souvient de ces jours
en noir et blanc. Tout dans son studio des années 70 lui rappelle les
visages d’avant, leurs sourires et son bonheur de capter ces instants
d’intimité. «Je suis un homme qui a arrêté le temps, un Dorian Gray à
l’envers !», précise-t-il, avec son grand sourire et son accent
américano-libanais. Sur ces grandes photos qui comblent les murs comme
des présences éternelles, le temps assassin n’a en effet laissé aucune
empreinte . On dirait qu’il s’est arrêté… Aucune trace de rides,
d’années rajoutées, de valeurs ôtées. Ces femmes troublantes de beauté
fixent le visiteur – ou l’objectif de Abdeni – et murmurent leur
satisfaction. Elles ont toutes un regard intense, une attitude «mise en
scène» par ce même magicien.
Pour réussir ce travail, il fallait, bien
sûr, beaucoup de psychologie et de savoir-faire. «La photographie n’est
pas seulement un art. C’est également de la mode, du maquillage. Le
photographe doit être un visagiste, un psychologue, un directeur de
production et un metteur en scène». Il doit surtout être libre, son
propre chef, «ne recevoir d’instructions ni de limites de personne. J’ai
toujours imposé mes idées, mes concepts, et mon propre style. Voilà
pourquoi j’ai réussi».
Une personnalité affichée Georgie Abdeni ,
longtemps photographe de stars et d’hommes politiques, a fait la
couverture du magazine al-Hasnaa’ durant de nombreuses années; il a
flirté avec la publicité et a saisi des centaines de regards, de femmes
surtout. Il connaît le visage humain comme un chirurgien ou un
sculpteur. Son calme et sa gentillesse ont toujours réussi à mettre le
modèle en confiance et en tirer le meilleur. «Il n’existe pas de beauté,
dans l’absolu. Chaque visage a une expression, un intérêt propre». Sa
personnalité a su cadrer et mettre en images des idées – photos
publicitaires –, des personnes et des personnalités. Ici, dans ce studio
qui vit encore, sitt Sabah côtoie le président Sarkis, Feyrouz,
Georgina Rizk, «je l’ai découverte quand elle avait treize ans», Faten
Hamama, Hrair, Omar Shérif et Anita Eckberg font bon ménage. «Le
caractère du modèle est important. Je suis toujours à la recherche de la
pureté d’un visage, de l’angle idéal, du bon moment et de la meilleure
Il est arrivé à la photographie par goût, se donnant la
précieuse liberté de s’éloigner des «affaires étrangères», apprises à
Georgetown, USA, de la banque dans laquelle il a travaillé durant six
ans, bref, de ce qu’il était supposé faire. «À l’époque, peu de gens “de
bonne famille”» faisaient ce métier. J’ai commencé par les portraits,
pour passer ensuite aux campagnes publicitaires. J’avais le bonheur de
concevoir l’idée, le slogan et de réaliser la photo». Il se compare
volontiers à un chef cuisinier qui réussit un plat avec des ingrédients
utilisés par d’autres. «La personne devient pour moi un boulot, un peu
comme si je devais fabriquer quelque chose de bien». Durant ces «années
photos», Abdeni va collaborer dans différents projets, sillonner le
Liban avec Roméo Lahoud pour le Firman, et parcourir le monde pour
assouvir son besoin de libertés et d’images; souvent envoyé spécial de
al-Hasnaa, il ramènera des centaines d’images, des archives qui ont
aujourd’hui une valeur incalculable. «Depuis une trentaine d’années,
lors d’un voyage pour al-Hasnaa’ où je devais photographier des hommes
et des lieux en Jordanie, je me suis retrouvé dans une école, avec deux
enfants en train de se battre amicalement. J’ai calmé les deux frères,
avec des mots tendres, et puis j’ai pris mes photos». Le roi Abdallah de
Jordanie et ses images d’enfant consolé figurent à présent dans la
galerie de photos de Georgie. Un scoop qui n’a pas de prix.
Marié en
1968 avec Laurence, père de deux filles, Barbara et Gabrielle, Abdeni ne
s’est pas laissé enfermé dans la seule photographie. Durant les années
de guerre, il s’est interessé à la construction, à la restauration, «la
grenouille», en 1967, avec son ami et complice Jerry Guréghian, puis le
«kebabs and things», en 1980, durant son exil «floridien», et «un peu de
tout» ; Georgie construit encore sa «caverne d’Ali Baba», une grande
maison où il se plaît à inventer des objets, des miroirs en métal, bois,
verre soufflé, des cannes, des sculptures en bois, et s’occupe à
décorer les pièces comme il l’entend, mettre un vieil évier en guise de
mur, construire une baignoire en pierre, créer un espace de vie libre de
toute contrainte.
Nostalgique et franc, il conclut : «Dans mon esprit,
j’ai toujours ma vision de la personne, intacte. La revoir trente ans
plus tard est souvent un choc !» Des images plein les yeux et la tête,
on se surprend enfin à rêver de figurer un jour dans cet album précieux,
et demeurer ainsi à l’abri du temps qui passe.
Un scoop de Abdeni, le roi Abdallah II et son frère